What is the skin barrier?

The skin barrier is the outermost layer of your skin, scientifically known as stratum corneum. This is our body’s first layer of protection from the environment, preventing environmental chemicals and biological irritants from entering skin, including free radicals, bacteria, other microbes, allergens, toxic chemicals, ultraviolet light, injury and other external assaults. In addition, the barrier’s most important task is to prevent the escape of water from inside the body - a process called Transepidermal Water Loss (TEWL). The stratum corneum consists of tough skin cells called corneocytes that are bound together by mortar-like lipids, creating the skin barrier. Inside the skin cells, or “bricks,” you’ll find keratin and natural moisturizers. The lipid layer contains cholesterol, fatty acids, and ceramides. This thin “brick wall” is literally keeping you alive. Without it, all sorts of harmful environmental toxins and pathogens could penetrate your skin and wreak havoc in your body.

When the skin’s barrier function is working well, the skin is hydrated, plump, radiant and firm. But when it breaks down, overall skin health goes with it. A compromised skin barrier isn’t a disease, it is an external issue that can be healed and restored. It is also essential that we nourish the skin’s barrier function from the inside with a healthy diet. When our skin barrier is stressed and compromised we lose collagen and elastin even faster than through the normal aging process. Collagen and elastin are essential for healthy, plump, toned and vibrant skin.

The key to skin vitality is a healthy, nourished barrier function.

What are the conditions we see from a compromised barrier function?

Dry, flaky, itchy, irritated and sensitive skin are all common signs of a compromised barrier function. Our barrier function also thins as part of the aging process. This irritation and thinning of the barrier function leaves us susceptible to environmental toxins, sagging, dryness, breakouts, inflammation and irritation. Dry skin is more permeable to irritants and allergens that may trigger inflammation leading to breakouts of acne, dermatitis, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and premature aging.

What are the sources of that stress that compromise our skin’s barrier function?

  • Colorado’s climate - exceptionally dry in the fall and winter seasons

  • Dehydration

  • Environmental pollution and toxins

  • Emotional stress and/or trauma

  • Poor dental health, gut health and overall health

  • Over exfoliation, harsh skin care treatments

  • Skin care products with harsh, unsafe ingredients

  • Lack of movement - Lymph stagnation

  • Poor nutrition

  • Unfiltered water

  • Sun exposure

  • Wind

  • Smoking

  • Medications

  • Drug and alcohol use

How do we nourish, support and heal our skin’s barrier function during times of stress?

Movement - what does this do for the skin?

  • Improves circulation of the lymph system/fluid for detoxification

  • Improves circulation of blood to the skin - bringing in nutrients and hydration

  • Exercises the skin - improves tone, texture, reduces puffiness, delivers ingredients deeper in the the dermis

  • Modalities for “moving” the skin - facial massage and lymph stimulation, Gua Sha, skin

    brushing, Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Alkaline diet - foods for skin

  • Avocado

  • Clean proteins

  • Healthy fats

  • Dark Leafy greens

  • Colorful foods - orange, red, blue, yellow, green

  • Fermented foods - kimchi, kombucha, apple cider vinegar, miso

Deep relaxation - stimulation of parasympathetic nervous system (vagus/soul nerve)

  • Human touch

  • Breath work - moves lymph

  • Meditation

  • Diffuse oils of coniferous plants - balsam, fir, pine to reduce blood pressure. This is a beautiful practice to do at the end of the day before bed.

  • Nature Fix - within 5 minutes of being in a forest your blood pressure begins to drop, your facial muscles relax, your frontal lobe quiets down, smell of pine strengthens your immune system, increase your happiness and sense of connection to others and the world around you

  • Sound bowl healing

Healthy Skincare Regimen and Products

  • Reduce toxic load for the skin. Use products with a clean ingredient deck that repair DNA. Absolutely avoid products with parabens, phthalates, fragrance, triclosan, formaldehyde, toluene, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), hydroquinone, polyethylene glycol (PEGS), synthetic colors

  • Cleanse skin properly - we tend to under cleanse for fear of drying out our skin. We need to cleanse with the right ingredients for our individual skin’s needs. Use a cleanser that does not contain surfactants - no foaming ingredients.

  • Exercise skin in the morning - this is when we should exfoliate, use more active ingredients. Night time is rejuvenation time for the skin - do not use products that cause inflammation or irritation - hydrate and moisturize, but make sure the skin can breathe - choose a serum over a heavy night cream for most nights for your face and neck, and a clean body lotion for the rest of your skin.

  • Exfoliate with care

  • Antioxidants - Vitamins A, C and E, topically and internally (drink green tea)

  • Vitamin A - retinaldehyde - liposomal delivery system is essential in getting retinaldehyde to the dermis, not just sitting on the skin’s surface/ epidermal layer

  • Resveratrol

  • Hyaluronic acid

  • Wear a ‘big ass” hat and use a clean chemical-free sunscreen. Choose one that is zinc based, nourishing and hydrating.

  • Use a clean, safe deodorant - salt crystals are wonderful

Safe Skin Treatments to Repair and Support the Barrier Function

  • Facials - boost the skin’s immunity and increase nutrition. Read about some of our facial services!. Read about some of our facial services!

  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage - cleanses the skin from the inside out, reduces puffiness, redness, pigmentation, circulates vital nutrients, reduces inflammation

  • Gua Sha - moves lymph, releases tension, tightens and tones the skin, increases product penetration

What else does our barrier function need:

  • Sleep - this is when our skin detoxes

  • Sweat - exercise, soak in the hot springs, sit in an infrared sauna

  • Hydrate

  • Support your liver - this is our detoxifier, people! Use a daily tincture with burdock, cleavers, dandelion, milk thistle, or yellow dock. Drink 1-3 cups of herbal tea that nourishes and supports your liver and digestion. Herbs to look for and blend are alfalfa, red clover, nettles, burdock, peppermint, calendula and dandelion, just to name a few.

  • Support the skin’s intercellular matrix with marshmallow both internally and externally.

  • Have a series of 3 colonics to get your intestines functioning better, then eat nourishing whole foods and fermented foods to renourish your gut’s microbiome. Eliminate processed foods and sugar from your diet.

  • If you’ve lost your joy, reclaim it. Look at your support systems - do you need more caring people in your life; do you need to heal and repair, or perhaps even end difficult relationships; do you need to work with a skilled therapist to work through trauma or psychological illness? Do you need to play more or rest more?


The Nature Fix, by Florence Williams

How To Do Dry Brushing Correctly, with Kristin Cena

A Consumer’s Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients, by Ruth Winter, M.S.

The Beauty of Dirty Skin, by Whitney Bowe, MD

Nutrition and the Gut Microbiome, with Leigh Frame, PhD


Rosacea 101, Care and Protocol