Meet Deb Witzel

Deb is founder of 3 Stories Consulting. She is a restorative justice facilitator, trainer, program developer and consultant. Restorative justice practices bring together people who have been harmed by crime or conflict with the people responsible for that harm in a facilitated process. Healing is the primary purpose for this intense human interaction and that is why Deb has done this work for 20 years. Witnessing people transform the suffering caused by these kinds of events is a true gift.

If you want to learn more about restorative justice practices, listen to her podcast, The Restorative Justice Chronicles.

To balance the intensity of this deeply emotional work she plays hard, biking, kayaking, hiking and vanning with her beloved and their 2 wacky dogs.

Deb’s b theory is be kind to yourself and others…it’s a practice.


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