Super Skin Smoothie

We asked our brilliant, bold and beautiful friend, Carla Abate, of Rebel Roots Nutrition, to create a delicious, nutritious skin-loving smoothie for us to share. Not only did she develop this recipe, she also shared with us her incredible knowledge of gut health as it supports the vitality of the skin:

While there are many quality, healthy, effective products on the market that benefit our skin, there are equally as many, if not more, that do not deliver on their promises. Often, they do not penetrate the epidermis and make it to the dermal layer where true transformation takes place. Composed primarily of collagen and elastin fibers, the dermis clues us in to just how important nutrition is to the skin’s vitality, as is quite evident given the rise in popularity among collagen supplements.

Below you will find one of my new smoothie recipes that I developed with the health of the skin in mind, and of course flavor. The whole foods ingredients included provide a combination of nutrients that work to synergistically nourish the skin from the inside out. Here is a quick look at what each of these foods and their respective nutrients have to offer:

Collagen-comprising roughly 75% of the skin, collagen is a protein that naturally supports skin elasticity, joint health, and even the gut lining-collagen supplementation delivers the amino acids necessary to support our own endogenous collagen production

Cherries-Vitamin C-this water-soluble vitamin is most often understood for its role in aiding the immune system with antioxidant activity-it’s also an essential factor in the synthesis of collagen and protects against photodamage caused by the sun

Spinach-Carotenoids-these are a precursor to Vitamin A (Retinol) that regenerate epithelial cells of the skin which have a high demand for vitamin A-carotenoids provide immune protection to the skin by defending mucous membranes and act to extinguish free radical damage

Pumpkin Seed-Zinc- required to activate vitamin A, and involved in immune cell synthesis, immune function, and tissue regeneration-pumpkin seeds also deliver fiber that helps to support liver detox pathways eliminating toxins and estrogens that can impact the skin

Avocado-Vitamin E- this fat-soluble antioxidant stabilizes the cell membranes of the skin containing a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids-Vitamin E acts as a free radical scavenger particularly targeting oxidation from the sun-it is regenerated by Vitamin C and works synergistically with carotenoids as well

Pomegranate Juice-Probiotic and Polyphenols-in addition to being a potent source of Vitamin C which promotes collagen production, pomegranate is high in polyphenols, especially a variety that encourages the growth of akkermansia, a healthy gut bacteria associated with reduced inflammation and that helps keep pathogenic and opportunistic strains in check-numerous studies link the gut microbiome to skin conditions such as rosacea and eczema

Aloe vera- Topically aloe vera acts as a humectant meaning it attracts moisture from the air and delivers it to the deeper layers of your skin bringing hydration to the skin-although drinking aloe vera juice may not have the same effect, it is high in electrolytes and trace minerals improving overall hydration-and hydrating the skin is key to glowing skin (coconut water is another great alternative though it can contain more sugar)

Ginger and Black Sesame-mainly selected for their warm, earthy flavors appreciated during the colder seasons, ginger is loaded with antioxidants and aids digestion, while black sesame seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, both implicated in lowering inflammation

Recipe (visit Rebel Roots Nutrition for the pregnancy and postpartum version of this recipe)

One cup packed spinach

3/4 cup, frozen cherries

1/2 cup of aloe juice (or coconut water)

1/2 cup water

1/3 cup of pomegranate juice

1/4 cup, ground pumpkin seeds

1 tablespoon ground black sesame seed

A thumb size chunk of ginger

One scoop, collagen powder

Half an avocado


Coarsely grind the pumpkin seeds and black sesame seeds together in a seed grinder. Reserve 1 tablespoon of this and then finely grind the rest. Add the finely ground to the blender with the rest of the ingredients and blend till smooth. Serve with, the tablespoon of reserved coarsely ground pumpkin and sesame seed sprinkled on top.

There are many different combinations of flavors that can provide the same benefits. Feel free to substitute any of the above ingredients for your preferred smoothie favorites keeping in mind the nutrients they deliver.

Thank you, Carla, for helping all of us find better internal and external health and glow!


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