Natural aging and chronic inflammation reduction benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage

The skin care industry puts a tremendous amount of resources into developing ingredients, products and treatments that are touted as anti-aging or being able to slow the aging process.  While some of these ingredients and treatments are achieving results, others are impacting the long term health of the skin and the body by impacting the skin’s natural ability to receive nutrients and to clear out cellular waste by restricting the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid.  These ingredients and treatments are also being found to cause ongoing wounding to the skin which ultimately increases inflammation and thinning of the skin, resulting in an acceleration of the aging process.  

Fortunately, we are seeing a growing movement (and we love movement as it helps to oxygenate and nourish the skin!) in the skin care industry towards what many are calling natural aging or pro-aging ingredients and treatments.  These kinds of holistic ingredients and treatments are focusing on increasing circulation to the skin, thereby increasing the absorption of vital nutrients as well as clearing out stagnated fluids to reduce inflammation within the layers of the skin and the body. The results we are seeing with natural aging products and treatments for our clients are impressive.  As natural aging specialists, one of the beneficial modalities that we use in a number of our treatments is Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD).  

While we may not often hear or learn much about the lymphatic system, it is the true “fountain of youth” for the body as it works in conjunction with the circulatory system to support and maintain the overall health and functioning of all our organs.  Stimulation of lymphatic flow results in stimulation of our immune system, helping our bodies to fight illness and recover more quickly.

MLD is a non-invasive light touch therapy performed by certified practitioners that is indicated for inflammatory conditions including acne, burns, scars, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, puffy eyes and neck, and post cosmetic surgery.  The effects and benefits of MLD are numerous:

  • MLD increases the flow of lymphatic fluid, stimulating the immune system to speed healing pre- and post-cosmetic procedure, skin rejuvenation and inflammatory skin conditions.

  • MLD eliminates metabolic waste while increasing the circulation of oxygen and nutrients to the skin.

  • MLD activates the parasympathetic nervous system to override pain receptors thereby acting as a natural analgesic, all while promoting a state of deep relaxation. It is only while our body is in a parasympathetic state that collagen and elastin are produced in order to repair our tissues (the ultimate anti-aging activity!) Collagen and elastin pair together to provide stretch, bounce and firmness to our skin, helping us to keep a youthful appearance.

  • MLD reduces edema (swelling) and erythema (redness). 

  • MLD may also be beneficial for treating headaches, sinus congestion, ear pain and conditions, and dental related conditions.

Want to achieve healthy, glowing and clear skin without side effects?  You may request MLD during any 90-minute custom facial, and for optimal results book our Chronic skin Condition Treatment Series.  By removing congestion and inflammation from the skin, we create the optimal conditions for repair, rejuvenation and vitality, along with a renewed sense of wellbeing. Benefits include reduced puffiness, pigmentation, dryness, redness, breakouts and fine lines. This series is ideal for all skin conditions including rosacea, eczema and mild acne. MLD is profound inner work for incredible outer results! 

While MLD is generally considered safe and non-invasive, there are certain illnesses and conditions that are contraindications to this treatment.

Absolute contraindications:

  • Cancer (until 5 years post treatment)

  • Deep vein thrombosis (blood clot)

  • Congestive heart disease

  • Acute infection/inflammation - source is unknown and undiagnosed

Relative contraindications:

  • Hyperactive thyroid

  • Naevus (irregular mole)

  • Bronchial asthma

  • Menstruation (do not work over the ovaries)

  • Low blood pressure (requires shorter treatments)

  • Pregnancy (not during the first trimester)

  • Treated cancer (after 5 years)

“The lymph system is the origin of life. Youth, life and death are dependent on lymph and its renewal. We live in lymph; our tissues are washed in lymph. It supplies us with the life-giving nutrients necessary for body development.” — Dr. Vodder Handbook

Brooke and Leigh are certified in Advanced Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Vodder Method, the universal gold standard for MLD training.


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