The Importance of Collagen and Elastin in Skin Health and How B Theory Treatments Boost Their Production

At b theory aesthetics, we are always educating our clients about the importance of collagen and elastin production in the body for very good reasons.  They are the building blocks for firm, plump, bouncy and vibrant skin, and there is a lot we can do to support the body’s production of these essential proteins.

Collagen is a protein that makes up 80% of your skin (as well as other connective tissues in your body), giving your skin its structure and firmness. Collagen is mainly used by the tissues in the body to provide flexibility and resistance but it also ensures the regeneration of tissues. Fibroblasts operate collagen production, which loses efficiency over time, causing our skin to sag, along with the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation and slower healing.

Elastin is a protein that allows your skin to stretch and return to its original shape….that elasticity we check in on in every facial treatment. Together, collagen and elastin work to keep your skin looking youthful and healthy.

Decreasing inflammation is key for supporting collagen and elastin production.  Not only do our treatment offerings include modalities and products that increase the body’s production of collagen and elastin, most provide our clients with deep relaxation, which is essential for reducing stress and increasing tissue repair and regeneration.

The Importance of Getting Regular Facials That Include Facial Massage

When the skin’s barrier function is working well, the skin is hydrated, plump, radiant and firm. But when it breaks down, overall skin health goes with it. A compromised skin barrier isn’t a disease, it is an external issue that can be healed and restored. It is also essential that we nourish the skin’s barrier function from the inside with a healthy diet. When our skin barrier is stressed and compromised we lose collagen and elastin even faster than through the normal aging process. 

Getting regular facials every 4-6 weeks (or at a minimum at the change of the seasons), helps to heal, support and nourish the skin’s natural barrier function to support the production of collagen and elastin.  Facial massage releases tightness and tension in the muscles, fascia and connective tissue in the face and neck, thereby increasing circulation in order to bring more nutrients to the tissues as well as increasing collagen and elastin production. 

Our 60 or 90 minute Custom Facial is also a great way to rest, restore and relax, helping to ease stress and reset the parasympathetic nervous system.

Gua Sha

In recent years practitioners around the world have developed techniques and training for estheticians for working with Gua Sha on the face and neck. The movements we use on the face and neck use far less pressure than that of scraping and releasing trapped Qi on the body.  We use specialized techniques and tools that help us to boost the overall health of the skin all while providing our clients with a deeply relaxing and healing experience.  Research shows that as we age the blood flow to the skin in our face reduces by as much as 40% between the ages of 20 to 70 years. Gua Sha has been shown to provide a fourfold increase in microcirculation in the treated area, boosting the skin’s overall health with an increased flow of nutrient rich oxygenated blood that supplies essential collagen and elastin for firmness, plumpness and smoothness. Microcirculation also helps to detoxify the skin by increasing lymphatic drainage, resulting in the reduction of redness and inflammation. 

We use Gua Sha tools and treatments in our Custom facials and Skin Rejuvenation series.

Botanical Peels

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA’s) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHA’s) found in gentle but effective botanical peels help to promote collagen synthesis in the skin, all while exfoliating away old collagen fibers so they can be replaced with new ones.  Key ingredients in botanical peels include glycolic acid (AHA), salicylic acid (BHA), malic acid (AHA), lactic acid (AHA) and mandelic acid (AHA) to name a few.

A series of 4-6 peels over the course of 6-8 months will give your skin the best benefit from these progressive treatments.  That’s why we recommend seeing you every 4-6 weeks between facials.

Lymphatic Facial Brushing

Lymphatic facial and body brushing is a simple, affordable technique that strengthens our inner health (immune system) to help us achieve big results towards improving our skin’s outer health and appearance.  Adding this to your natural aging self-care routine benefits your skin’s health in the following ways:

  • Improves circulation to the skin, boosting nutrient absorption, increasing the production of collagen and elastin, reducing inflammation, speeding the healing process

  • Helps clear cellular waste from the tissue

  • Stimulates the immune system

  • Provides gentle exfoliation

  • Reduces redness, puffiness, dark circles, fine lines and wrinkles, and brightens the complexion

  • Reduces blackheads, helps to clear acne

  • Eases the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis (brush around these areas, not directly over)

  • Clears sinus congestion

  • Calms and soothes our minds - helps us relax by stimulating our parasympathetic nervous system


Microneedling, also known as Collagen Induction Therapy, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that generates new collagen and elastin production within the layers of the skin to improve skin’s appearance and health. Microneedling involves using a device with thin needles to make tiny holes in the top layer of the skin to create a controlled wound which stimulates the body’s wound-healing response.  This wound-healing cascade involves a big boost to the body’s production of collagen and elastin, proteins that keep the skin firm and smooth. Unlike harsher treatments such as more advanced chemical peels, microneedling doesn’t impact or disrupt the skin’s natural barrier function. In particular, it is a very safe technique for deeper skin tones, where risk of postinflammatory hyperpigmentation is very high with other techniques that damage the epidermis.  Microneedling can also be done on clients with mild rosacea

A progressive series of 4-6 microneedling sessions over the course of 6-8 months will give your skin the best benefit.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a non-invasive, light-touch therapy performed by certified practitioners that is indicated for inflammatory conditions including acne, burns, scars, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, puffy eyes and neck, and post cosmetic surgery.  The effects and benefits of MLD are numerous: 

  • MLD increases the flow of lymphatic fluid, stimulating the immune system to speed healing for pre- and post-cosmetic surgery healing, skin rejuvenation and inflammatory skin conditions.

  • MLD eliminates metabolic waste while increasing the circulation of oxygen and nutrients to the skin.

  • MLD activates the parasympathetic nervous system to override pain receptors thereby acting as a natural analgesic, all while promoting a state of deep relaxation. It is only while our body is in a parasympathetic state that collagen and elastin are produced in order to repair our tissues (the ultimate anti-aging activity!). Collagen and elastin pair together to provide stretch, bounce and firmness to our skin, helping us to keep a youthful appearance.

Our Skin Rejuvenation series features MLD and is the perfect investment for firming, toning, brightening and clearing your skin. 

LED Light Therapy

LED light therapy isn’t a trend, it’s a proven treatment option that gets amazing results. Celluma is a light therapy device for treating wrinkles, acne and pain conditions. Celluma stimulates the production of energy (adenosine triphosphate or ATP) that helps compromised cells regenerate naturally. It increases the production of collagen and elastin, increases blood circulation and decreases inflammation. 

“Blue, red and near-infrared are the most commonly used wavelengths in LED light therapy. These specific wavelengths are well researched and scientifically proven to produce therapeutic benefits. Blue penetrates through the epidermis and is known to kill C. acnes bacteria. Red reaches into the dermal layer and has been shown to enhance collagen and elastin production through photobiostimulation of fibroblasts. Near-infrared penetrates deepest and increases micro-circulation (tissue repair), decreases inflammation and attenuates pain,” according to the Celluma research literature.

Add on a Celluma treatment to any of our signature facials or advanced skincare treatments, or book a series for the best benefits to your skin.

At Home Topical Product Application

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) - can help boost collagen production in the human body. Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in the body, but it decreases as we age. Eating foods rich in vitamin C and amino acids can increase the levels of hyaluronic acid and collagen in the body as both are important for skin. Our favorite HA Wonder Twins of skincare products are H.A. Collagen Boosting Serum and Firm Collagen Gel Masque, both from Green Envee.  

Vitamin C - taken internally and applied topically is essential for firm bouncy skin due to its role in collagen synthesis. We recommend applying a vitamin C serum every morning to influence cellular nutrition, strengthen the skin and reduce pigmentation.  Our favorites include Glow C+ Brightening Serum from Green Envee and Purely Rosehip Serum Boost from Qét Botanicals.

Retinaldehyde - this vitamin A derivative stimulates fibroblasts to produce more collagen fibers. Retinaldehyde (not its harsher cousin retinol) also reduces the degradation of the collagen that already exists in skin, diminishes discoloration, improves elasticity, and exfoliates clogged pores, so breakouts happen less often. Retinaldehyde does not make the skin more sensitive to the sun as retinol does, making it an ideal ingredient for Colorado’s sunny dry climate.

Bakuchiol - often called “natural retinol,” bakuchiol is a plant-based extract (it comes from the psoralea corylifolia or “babchi” plant) that also stimulates collagen production. Bakuchiol has a very different molecular structure from retinol making it less irritating, so it’s often suggested for those with sensitive skin who are unable to tolerate traditional retinol. And bakuchiol is sometimes combined with retinol in skincare formulations because its anti-inflammatory properties allow you to get the skin boost of retinol without the resulting redness. 

Niacinamide - also known as vitamin B3, niacinamide has been demonstrated to increase collagen in the dermal matrix. It’s an antioxidant, reduces hyperpigmentation and redness, and improves the skin barrier function, minimizing transepidermal water loss (TEWL), a leading cause of dry, cracking skin. Firm Collagen Gel Masque from Green Envee is our go-to for getting niacinamide on the skin.  Or multi-task with Suntegrity’s Clear SPF Sheer Moisturizing Daily Sunscreen - its broad spectrum SPF 30 while adding your daily niacinamide.


In a recent article in The New York Times, Dr. Fayne Frey states, “as much as 80% of the skin changes we associate with age are actually caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays.  The best way to avoid them, aside from staying indoors, in the shade or permanently covered up?  Sunscreen.”

Not only do sunscreens block sunburns and prevent skin cancer, they slow the signs of aging by blocking UV rays from reaching and penetrating the skin.  UVA rays trigger the breakdown of collagen and elastin proteins causing wrinkles as the skin loses elasticity, as well as the thinning of the skin making blood vessels more visible. 

We recommend using zinc and/or titanium dioxide sunblock, rather than chemical-based sunscreens which can cause irritation to the skin as well as having a negative impact on water habitats and the environment. Be sure to apply sunscreen every day and reapply every two hours when you are outside, along with wearing a big ass hat! Our favorite is Moisturizing Mineral Face Sunscreen and Primer, Broad Spectrum SPF 30 from Suntegrity - we also love the tinted version of the product as tinted sunscreens block visible light helping reduce the appearance of conditions like melasma and hyperpigmentation.


Skincare 101: Everything you need to know to create the perfect skincare routine at home


Microneedling: What it is, Benefits, Costs and Results